1. AOJ-P is short for Ability, Opportunity, Jeopardy and Preclusion. If all four elements are satisfied, the use of deadly force is generally authorized. The AOJ-P analysis is used to identify a real threat and imminence of the danger being faced.
True False
2. Conversations with your attorney are privileged and generally cannot be disclosed to law enforcement. This is not the case when discussing matters with friends or family.
3. With single action firearms, the trigger mechanism performs only one function, to release the hammer or striker.
4. Law enforcement can confront you with false physical evidence in an attempt to coerce you into incriminating yourself.
5. There are five possible responses to a life-threatening encounter:
6. Minnesota statute 347.17 states, "Any person may kill any dog that the person knows is affected with the disease known as hydrophobia, or that may suddenly attack while the person is peacefully walking or riding and while being out of the enclosure of its owner or keeper, and may kill any dog found killing, wounding, or worrying any horses, cattle, sheep, lambs, or other domestic animals." - Statute 347.17 is an example of a statute possibly needing to be researched in order to find out how the courts actually interpret this statute.
7. In order to use deadly force against another, the attacker must truly have the ability to kill or cause great bodily harm. This "ability” may come in the form of having a dangerous or deadly weapon or a disparity of force exists between the victim and the attacker. Select all the items below that represent a "disparity of force".
8. In the State of Minnesota, you may carry concealed or carry openly as long as you have been trained and the sheriff has issued you a permit to carry a firearm.
9. According to the NRA, firearms and ammunition should be store separately and firearms should always be stored unloaded.
10. Everything you need to know about gun laws and use of force can be learned by reading the state statutes.
11. For legal reasons, never use the phrases and or words "kill”, "accident", "mistake" or "I didn't mean to" (just to name a few), when referring to or describing your own actions.
12. Depending on your jurisdiction, there are up to five elements of self-defense law:
If a prosecutor can disprove any of the five elements, your self-defense justification collapses.
13. Police are not legally liable for failing to protect individual citizens, only the community at large.
14. You cannot claim self-defense if the shooting was an accident or a mistake.
15. Self-defense is not an affirmative defense.
How many eyes does a typical person have (e.g: 4)?