1. Reciprocity is what you have when states do not honor each others permit to carry a firearm.

2. Anytime a firearm is used defensively, regardless of whether or not a shot is fired, it is important to notify the police as soon as it is safe to do so. The reason for this is the fact that the would-be criminal might decide to call 911 to report that someone (you) just pulled a gun on him. Generally, the first person to call 911 is the victim.

3. Laws can differ greatly from state-to-state. This is especially true where firearms are concerned and the legal use of force.

4. Reasonable force can best be described as the level of force proportionate to the level of unlawful force about to be utilized against the victim.

5. After notifying a police officer that you are carrying a firearm, if there are specific instructions given by the officer that you do not understand, ask for clarification.

6. Self defense law has evolved over hundreds of years and continues to evolve even today

7. Depending on your jurisdiction, there are up to five elements of self-defense law:

  1. Avoidance - Escape if you can
  2. Innocence - Don't start or provoke the fight
  3. Imminence - The attack has started or is about to begin immediately (AOJ-P analysis)
  4. Proportionality - Equal force (you cannot use deadly force against a non-deadly threat)
  5. Reasonableness - You made good decisions under the circumstances

If a prosecutor can disprove any of the five elements, your self-defense justification collapses.

8. A gun or knife are examples of "ability" to cause great bodily harm or death.

9. Select all the general body responses one may experience when in a deadly encounter.

10. When selecting a firearm, size, weight and caliber are considerations to keep in mind.

11. Modern revolvers will typically hold between five (5) and six (6) rounds in the cylinder. Depending on caliber, a revolver may hold as many as seven (7) rounds, e.g., some .22 caliber revolvers.

12. Minnesota statute 347.17 states, "Any person may kill any dog that the person knows is affected with the disease known as hydrophobia, or that may suddenly attack while the person is peacefully walking or riding and while being out of the enclosure of its owner or keeper, and may kill any dog found killing, wounding, or worrying any horses, cattle, sheep, lambs, or other domestic animals." - Statute 347.17 is an example of a statute possibly needing to be researched in order to find out how the courts actually interpret this statute.

13. UAPDI is authorized by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to certify individuals so that they may teach the Minnesota Permit to Carry class?

14. In the state of Minnesota, statute 609.99 authorizes a private citizen the right to use reasonable force toward another in self-defense.

15. For target shooting, look for expensive name brand ammunition that is corrosive.

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