1. In the state of Minnesota, statute 609.99 authorizes a private citizen the right to use reasonable force toward another in self-defense.

2. The line between reasonable force and excessive force is very thin where no buffer zone exists.

3. The fundamental rules for safe gun handling include: (1) Treat all firearms as if they are loaded; (2) Always keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction; (3) Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot; and (4) Keep the firearm unloaded and safely stored until ready for use (a firearm designated for self-defense is considered to be in use).

4. There are five possible responses to a life-threatening encounter:

  1. Freeze - The victim of the attack may be so overwhelmed or surprised by being threatened, the victim may become incapable of any action;
  2. Submit - Simply giving into the attacker;
  3. Posture - Combat without combat. Words, sounds, gestures and body language are weapons used to dominate, intimidate and subdue another. Depending on circumstances, the attacker and the victim, one may try to out-bluster the other until one backs down or flees.;
  4. Flight - Retreat or running away from the situation;
  5. Fight - The use of reasonable force to prevent an attacker from harming you

5. For self-defense ammunition, only buy high quality name brand cartridges. Most often, personal-defense ammunition comes in some variation of a hollow-point bullet.

6. The WEB site Handgunlaw.us can be used to find legal information related to firearms state-by-state but the information should always be cross-checked and verified on the state specific WEB site.

7. When attacked by three or more assailants, disparity of force clearly exists. With two against one, it most likely will come down to a judgment call as to whether or not the two attackers represent enough of an overwhelming force to justify the use of deadly force for self-defense. It is important to note that should you disable one of two attackers or two of three attackers, your use of deadly force must generally stop because now disparity of force (force in numbers) no longer exists.

8. If you are attacked by someone with superior fighting skills, disparity of force can exist. The challenge is you must know your attacker possesses these skills at the time of the attack.

9. After a self-defense shooting, remaining calm and in control will be important because it will set the tone for how others perceive you and how law enforcement officers interact with you.

10. If there are witnesses to your self-defense incident, you should ask then if they are injured and ask everyone to call 911 to make a statement as to what they heard and saw. You should also call 911 yourself.

11. Regarding the color codes of awareness, when outside the home, you should be at condition yellow (aware of your surroundings)

12. UAPDI is authorized by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to certify individuals so that they may teach the Minnesota Permit to Carry class?

13. When using your firearm to protect yourself, you will always have the time for proper stance and sight alignment.

14. In the state of Minnesota, the permit-to-carry class is not the place to learn how to shoot.

15. Self defense law has evolved over hundreds of years and continues to evolve even today

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